June 26, 2019 admin

The Influence of Workspace Interior On Productivity, Mood, And Health

When evaluating productivity, we often fail to consider two main factors that impact it significantly: interior design and office environment.

However, research on topic concludes that your office space, set up and design are crucial for improving employee efficiency and productivity.

For example, a large scale study by Leesman across 67 countries showed that 57% of employees agree that their work place affects their motivation and productivity. And main reason behind this is that work place designs impact employee moods and well-being.

By designs, we don’t just mean ergonomics; while it is important to provide comfortable desks and chairs, it is not enough to make your employees feel relaxed, or more productive.

How Interiors Affect Mood And Productivity

A lot of thought is now being put into understanding why employees may feel less efficient in certain work place settings, and a number of factors that have been highlighted include:

  • Improper ventilation
  • Poorly maintained heating/cooling systems
  • Poor lighting
  • Noise
  • Mismanaged space

An effective work space should reduce these constraints, and keep employee’s healthy and motivated for increased productivity.

In this article, we’ve provided a list of things you can evaluate and change around your office, so as to revamp it into a highly productive work space, while making it look aesthetically pleasing.

Design And Interior Factors That Boost Productivity


This has been an important part of architectural design for ages, but now, when designing office spaces, it is important to get the math just right.


Well, just like too much sound can be distracting, an office that is too quiet can be unnerving for employees.

The amount of noise your employees have to bear can be very off putting, causing breaks in concentration, distraction and a general sense of tiredness.

Too much noise can also lead to stress and headaches, and affect your employee’s efficiency and output. As a rule of thumb, you should aim for noise levels around 70 decibels, which has proven to be a level that inspires creative innovation without hampering workflow.

Also, while designing a space to minimize noise and optimize employee satisfaction, you should take into consideration the need to provide personal working environment, along with shared spaces. While this may require a larger space, it will provide your employees the opportunity to work in solidarity, while still leaving the option of an open and creative space.

Another method to reduce noise can be by installing white noise machines around the office at different places.

A third, and more aesthetically pleasing option, is the installation of sound-absorbing ceiling panels that can work to reduce noise levels.

A good example of such a ceiling and design can be found at the American Express Centurion Lounge, Intercontential Airport in Houston. The Micro-perforations and acoustical infill on Barz™ system provide maximum sound absorption.

Flexibility Interiors

With a need to maximize on available resources, and cut down on long term costs to increase profit margins, it is only fitting that modern office spaces should reflect these ideas.

A trendy way of taking out the static element from your office interior, is to incorporate more flexible designs. This can be achieved by designing spaces to be multifunctioning. Sliding doors, stacking walls, and moveable partitions are just some of the ways you can make your work space more efficient.

You now don’t need to worry about getting large areas to design the perfect office, since you can have one space cater to many purposes. You can make use of small spaces efficiently just by switching up the wall design – for example, you can separate your office floor into different areas through transparent panels which make your area look bright, big and airy.

The PK-30 system is a specially designed low-profile aluminum framing system that is an excellent way to divide open interior spaces in a dynamic way. Besides being eco-friendly, it is also a cost efficient way to upgrade your office.


Open Plan for Interiors

Open plan or concept spaces are a feature of interior design that promotes large areas or shared spaces for work, as opposed to closed offices or private cubicles.

This takes away the unnecessary need for your employee to sit in seclusion all day in a cramped or confined office space. Working in a well-lit, well vented, and open area can do wonders for keeping your employee motivated, and feeling healthier.

It also works to build team spirit around your work space, promotes the sharing of ideas, provides easier communication between employees and enhances creativity overall.

This can help you elevate employee morale without making a heavy financial investment – and you don’t really need a large space to achieve this look.

A perfect example of the classic campus concept, and an open space design is the new office of the Chinese tech giant, Tencent Holdings Limited in Shenzhen. The atrium is covered with 1,850 square meters of specially designed, stainless steel from GKD – GEBR. KUFFERATH AG. Besides being aesthetically pleasing, the open area also promotes creativity and inclusiveness.

Interior Light

Good lighting and a well-lit space is important to any work environment.

Dimly lit areas can seem dark and depressing, and affect your employee’s performance. What is more, it can induce depression or other health issues within your employees.

Comparatively, brightly lit areas exude energy, and allow people to work to the best of their potential.

So, what sort of lighting should you focus on?

Ideally, try to include as much natural light to your space as possible. However, this does not mean that you can ignore the need for warm toned, artificial lighting inside your work space.

Accentuate the natural light flowing in to your office by incorporating reflective wall and ceiling panels. A good choice is using the Illusions metal and wood ceiling systems that come in a variety of designs – you can easily use these to maximize the light around your office, without compromising on aesthetics.

A well designed space is imperative for creating a good atmosphere around your work space, boosting employee morale and motivating them to perform their best.